Monday, July 7, 2008

I just got here yesterday!

yep, I just got here yesterday and it is a pretty awesome place. The campus is really big and its extremely hot and annoying outside. Apparently, it's so cool that I come from Seattle. I don't know why, but whenever anybody asks I don't say Seattle I say Washington. I'm afraid they won't know where Seattle is, but that's like not knowing where Chicago is (I actually couldn't point it out on a map to you lol.) It's in Illinois!.

Anyways, the dining hall is like a food free for all. I swear, you could eat like enough food for five people and they won't even notice. It's a buffet with juice machines, an ice cream machine (but when it is time for my dinner they put a cloth over it hargh) and like a cereal dispenser. In ten minutes I'm going to head out with my advisory to eat breakfast together and then go to a required all school assemply and then go on a joy boat ride. If i don't bring Dramamine with me I will die and barf and embarras myself. I will write back with more details of how I got here, maybe. Kay toodles.

1 comment:

Macedonia said...

hey duyen, i hope youre having a blast!!! thats so awsome, the all you can eat thing like everyday for a month! i would love that. cant wait to hear all your stories once u come back
