Tuesday, July 15, 2008


We have had physical education period a few times before. I thought we would have more choices, but Access Exeter choices are skimpy. I ended up choosing volleyball, which was sort of playing it safe because I already knew how to play. I thought I was a decent player, but in actuality compared to these people I suck. The playing environment at Bush was nice and friendly, but it is competitive here. Most people can do killer overhand serves; the smack follows when there hand makes contact with the ball sounds like it hurts. I can only do decent underhand, and the teacher says everyone can respond to an underhand (but teehee they can't).

The second pe period I thought oh no two more weeks of this. That was immediately followed up by i'm going to get good! Hey, who knows, I might even get into varsity at Bush if I can make the time commitment and if my parents want to make the time commitment. We played games yesterday. I thought it would be a nice friendly competitive game, but those people were fierce! We beat them 26-24. When we got to 25 (the game goes to 25) we thought we won but they argued it out saying when there is a tie you have to go one more time. They were right, but we still beat them. And this one girl got really mad at us because she thought you could play outs. Yeah, you can, but why would you? It's just to your disadvantage if you miss it, but if you let it fall it's either your point or your serve. Haters.

There are no second chances here! At Bush, if you miss your first serve, then you get to go again. Not here! Whoo, competition is sizzling.

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