Thursday, July 10, 2008

July 10, 2008 9:21

I am here right now entering stuff on my blog and not in class because class does not start until after milk and cookies time (what the hell?) which starts at 10:20. I guess I am grateful for the extra homework time but this will get very annoying. I guess I could sleep in, but my friends are in class by 9:25 so I would be all alone. We made plans to buy cup noodles at the Grill (this place where you can buy food even though the dining hall is almost always open when you are hungry and the food is delish and free) apparently cup noodles are unhealthy, blarrgh - anyways we planned to eat that for lunch. Yum yum yum. I miss noodles. Hee hee I'm so Asian.

So this girl has her birthday on Sunday. Everybody's getting her something and I kind of don't want to even though she's my friend. Money you know! (you know what im talking about Macey) So I ended up getting her a weird but useful gift that she insited on having: a BINDER. I thought it was like four something but it turned out to be three buck something and Im like yeah cheap!!!! Feel kind of bad cuz this other girl got her a super fancy card for seven bucks and another girl got her a pack of three headphones for fifteen bucks. I didnt show she got her headphones, so I gave the birthday girl my old Ipod headphones, and when she told me im like oh crap. Anyways the day hasn't started much. Breakfast everyday is like eggs and I'm starting to get sick of it cuz their eggs are super buttery and eggghhh. Every meal, i drink honey tea with ginseng. So yummy and I think its good for you idk lol.

You know you love me, XOXO,
- Duyen

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